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/ Turbo Draw / Turbo Draw.iso / imsi / funst.ttf (.png) < prev    next >
TrueType Font  |  1995-06-28  |  79KB
Labels: bulletin board | fence | grass | paper | person | reckoner | sand | sidewalk | sky | stool | water
OCR: abcd lefghijk! ABC DEFGHI FKI MNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ 0123456789 N% = {K{}|\/? The quick hrowni fox jurips the lazy dog The quick browri fox jumps over the lazy dog quick brown fox jumps OV J.3 the lazy dog. 36 quick brown fox jumps over the lazy top The quick brown fox jumps V :er the lazy dog. 60 3L quick brow n jumps ovcr the lazy dO Ihe quick brown jumps over the abedef ghijkl WXYZ 0123 56789 hrown rown lazg